The Port Authority of Jamaica's Focus On Jamaica's Development Into A Global Logistics Hub

Port Authority of Jamaica

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The #PortAuthorityJa (PAJ) is a catalyst for development. Watch as Alok Jain - Chairman of the PAJ board of directors - and Professor Gordon Shirley - President & CEO of the PAJ - narrate and highlight one of our key areas of focus at this time - #logistics.

Jamaica is blessed with natural assets and ideally located at the intersection of key trade routes, and our goal is to leverage these through key infrastructural & technological investments and the development of special economic zones to help position Jamaica as a #GlobalLogisticsHub.

#Jamaica #Logistics #RegionalLogistics #LogisticsHub #SpecialEconomicZone #CaymanasEconomicZone #CaymanasSpecialEconomicZone #JamaicaSpecialEconomicZone #JamaicaSEZ

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