World Bank Team Tours Fort Charles & The Historic Naval Dockyard in Port Royal, Jamaica

Port Authority of Jamaica

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#Flashback to May of this year, when attendees from the World Bank's 'Blue Ports in the Caribbean Regional Workshop' were invited by Team #PortAuthorityJa to take an official tour of the Fort Charles attraction in #PortRoyal. Led by a well-trained tour guide dressed in garments of the era, they learned about life in 17th century #PortRoyalJamaica, and enjoyed novel experiences such as the Giddy House and real tales/stories of old.

This was followed by a cocktail reception and tour of the #HistoricNavalDockyard, where they were introduced to the Port's infrastructure with its SeaWalk technology and other elements that align well with the general #BluePorts theme of sustainability.

#FlashbackFriday #FortCharlesJa #PortRoyalCruisePort #HistoricPortRoyal

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